Our History
In the Fall of 2000, Dr. Brenda Winkler with the support of Delight E. Breidegam Jr. and Att. Robert P. Grim formed the KASD Education Foundation.
In October, 2001, the Foundation obtained IRS tax exemption status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, thus making KASD Education Foundation tax exempt for donors. In December, 2001, the Foundation obtained approval to solicit tax exempt funds from donors through the Pennsylvania Department of State, Bureau of Charitable Organizations.
On May 6, 2002, the approval, rare at that time, was given by Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for KASDEF to be in the listing of educational improvement organizations, which resulted in thousands of dollars in contributions from local businesses in lieu of their payment of Pennsylvania corporate income taxes. (See EITC – Educational Improvement Tax Credit)
Our Foundation Today…
Donated for High School Scholarships
Approximately 40
Awards & Scholarships Awarded Annually
Total Awards Given to Date
EITC Donations
Our Founders
DeLight E. Breidegam, Jr.
As a founding director, Mr. Breidegam, co-founder of East Penn Manufacturing, was committed to giving back to the community and making Kutztown a better place. Throughout his 14 years on the Foundation board, he set an example of generous giving and total commitment to providing opportunities for Kutztown students and their families.
Dr. Brenda Winkler
The foundation was formed as a result of Dr. Winkler’s “Kids come first” philosophy during her tenure as KASD Superintendent. Dr. Winkler continues to lead the foundation as its Executive Director with foresight and clarity through more than 15 years of growth.
Robert P. Grim, Esq.
Attorney Grim provided all legal support required to create, document, and gain PA State approval of the KASD Education Foundation. He also guided the board through the process of becoming a 501(c)(3) entity. He has served as the Foundation’s solicitor for the Board and written individual trust agreements for scholarships.