Meet Our New President, Andrew Brett

The Kutztown Area School District Education Foundation has a long and rich history of improving the experience for students in the Kutztown Area School District. For the past twenty-five years, the Foundation has raised significant scholarship dollars, funded innovative projects, supported district staff, and coordinated a significant capital campaign for the school district. I am proud to be able to serve this organization as the new President for 2023. I look at this honor as an opportunity to connect the past to the present so that we can plan for tomorrow with an eye on yesterday.

One significant task moving forward is to begin the strategic planning process. In March of 2023, the Board of Directors began the process of evaluating the existing mission and vision of the organization. The conversations around the table have been productive and refreshing. I look forward to seeing the process through to completion and creating a more focused path to the next twenty-five years (and hopefully beyond!).

I also find it to be incredibly important, while looking ahead to the future, to provide the path for recent generations of Kutztown Area High School Alumni to engage with the Foundation. We want to forge relationships with all of our graduates to become part of the legacy of improving education together for all cougars! I encourage alumni to reach out so we can connect you with projects and opportunities through the Kutztown Area School District Education Foundation.


2023 KASD STEAM Fair


Thank you, Ben Haas!